The prime focus dishes of the Basic series are part of the ex-Teko antenna line acquired with the company branch in 2004.
With diameters of 1, 1.2, 1.5 and 1.8 m, products of the Basic-ex-Teko line are known for their optimal quality/price ratio and are mainly used in the context of point to point links in the radio world.
The moduls used to form the parabolic reflectors have been completely revised and now the dish benefits of higher thickness and strength in order to withstand high loads of wind.
The antennas of the Basic-ex-Teko line are equipped with P series feeders that cover frequencies from 900 MHz up to 3 GHz and 10-15 GHz. Upon request these can be adapted for hosting of other feeders.
The parabolic reflectors can be provided with the radome kit and fixing hooks.
Mounting pole assemblies can be differentiated into standard and fine with precise adjustment of elevation (V) and azimuth (H) for a more precise pointing.
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