This is the thought that every day gives us strength and motivation to the whole team. Our company's mission is supply telecommunication products and services that meet and try to anticipate the needs of the end user.
Passion, research, innovation, reliability, durability, pragmatism and simplicity to manage are mixed in all of our microwave equipment allowing us to be ever competitive on the market.
The combination of a wide range of wireless products, mixed with the flexibility and experience more than twenty years, makes the Geritel S.r.l. able to offer solutions tailored for and obtained the satisfaction of the end user that broadcasters, system installer or system integrator on telecom domain.
Geritel S.r.l. is an ISO compliant organization with manufacturing and customer service facilities following the UNI EN ISO 9001(2008) requirements.
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Vestibulum tempor nunc nec felis scelerisque eget elementum erat dignissim. Ut vel ipsum mollis orci venenatis luctus. Aenean vehicula quam vel quam porttitor ac iaculis elit pulvinar. Proin consequat, ipsum eu venenatis semper, justo turpis posuere tortor, ac placerat metus nisl et lectus. Nulla cursus dui id nunc ullamcorper sed semper nisl lobortis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus arcu ante, imperdiet in ornare sed, laoreet eu massa.