Standard Line

Parabolic Reflectors: Standard Line

The prime focus dishes of the Standard series are the GPA and GPL antennas produced for years by Giomar and now by Geritel, in the diameters from 0,3 to 3m.

The strong mechanic and the high quality supports are recommended to anyone who needs a microwave link with long-lasting system performances. All dishes are in anodized aluminium and with the thickness of 3 mm they ensures high indeformability parameters and withstands high wind loads and snow and ice deposits.

The frequencies of the accessorised feeders of the Standard series arrive up to 30 GHz in single or double polarization, linear or circular, with the possibility of having wide bandwidths and dual frequency feeders.

The dishes can be provided with the spherical radome kit and fixing hooks.

The mounting pole assemblies can be lightweight in stainless steel, standard in aluminium cast and economical in galvanized iron.


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