Retrofit of existing parabolic antenna feed

30 October 2014

A retrofit of the existing feed system is most advantageous in a case where the antenna (size and condition) is still appropriate.
Geritel can retrofit any type of existing feed systems of Italian and international manufacturers; the overall project cost obviously depend on your specific requirements.
We can provide frequency changing, double polarization adding or simply replacing the old feed with a new one in reason of erosion issues. If we can apply standard components and due to our efficient work processes and our skilled staff, man hours are reduced to the absolute minimum.
Usually we ask more technical measures and data of existing parabolic dish and original feed. If possible the best solution is to receive at our laboratory the current feed in order to replicate all interface mechanical dimensions.
Currently a good chance to save money can be an opportunity interesting to be considered also for our microwave field.

Geritel Srl


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